Book I: The Creator’s Resolution

A tale of angels, demons, death and ferrets. The Creator’s Resolution (the first book of The Holy Bimble) introduces Sam Bimble, the most unimpressive thirty-seven year old man-child ever to exist in literary history.

Sam wanted nothing more in life than to do nothing; that is nothing but watch TV and whack-off; or whack-off and watch TV, or just whack-off in general, the TV didn’t necessarily have to be on. This, on its surface, seemed pathetic enough, but it was much more than that. It was an affront to The Creator of all, and therefore an affront to all creation.

In the Eternal Realm, above Heaven and Earth, The Creator noticed Sam Bimble’s dim soul. It offset the resolution of His, The Creator’s, own entertainment device: The Soul Projection Tube (SPT); a device that projected the multi-colored brightness and free-willed formations of all created souls.

Sam Bimble was a defunct pixel and needed to be converted. The Creator decided to recruit a technician of the most holiest ilk: an angel from Heaven named Quino. The Creator would send Quino to Earth to confront, kill, and chaperone Sam through the nine dimensions of P.U.R.G.A.T.O.R.Y.

Will Sam’s soul be brightened enough to abate The Creator’s annoyance of having to watch a less-than-perfect entertainment device in the Eternal Realm? Possibly, maybe…read this book and find out. Your soul might just be brightened by it.